Bring on the Robots

People in the media like to speculate about when in the future artificial intelligence will become a reality. The fact is, though, that AI is already here, and this includes arriving in education, where it powers some educational tools that are supported by compelling data for their ability to improve the learning of our kids. Ideally, your school is already making these AI-enabled systems part of the education of your kids, but if not—and sadly, my kids’ school is in this not category—there are ways to access some of these advanced learning enhancement systems for our kids outside of school.

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Leif UelandComment
Love and Safety

As may be clear from these posts, I am increasingly becoming a mad scientist of devising ways to soup up the current K-12 educational system, and hoping that sharing these experiments helps other parents who have been thinking there has to be a better way. At the same time, it is important to level set and state that on some level: none of this matters. These efforts to augment and improve our childrens’ educations do not matter if we parents, in our zeal for providing something better, get so caught up in our efforts that we fail to simultaneously address what science has established as the prime directive of parenting: love and safety.

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Leif UelandComment
My Sal Khan Man Crush

I was trying to help my daughter with some long division last night. Only, we were working with some online practice website that assumed she had learned a slightly different version of long division…I honestly couldn’t quite understand it, and was thus scouring YouTube for videos that would explain this variation of long division, but because we couldn’t find it, and I wanted be to be helpful, Daddy was fighting the urge to to teach the practice software his own lesson by bashing his daughter’s Chromebook into lots of flying little pieces. Bad Chromebook!

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Free Elite College for Kids

Should we get upset? Get together with some other parents, engage in some letter writing campaign, and ineffectually plead for additional resources that are not available until the time our kids are graduating and coding has become its own class, one that is not combined with typing. No. That is not the Ueland Land way. In this case, after my 14-year-old explained he had no other coding options at school, I had him march upstairs to his room and enroll himself in an elite university’s introduction to computer programming course

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Leif UelandComment
Dear Parents of the World:

I am a little nervous as I address you all, every person on the planet who has been parenting or otherwise caretaking kids during the pandemic. There are so many millions of you out there, including a number of whom I haven’t yet had the opportunity to meet. But what I have to say has to be said, for the sake of us parents and our kids. Since no one else is stepping forward, I will give it a shot.

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MiscellanyLeif UelandComment
Time to Write

Despite the power of the written word, when it comes to the education that our kids are receiving, writing is the runt of the litter, with reading and math receiving far more of the vital nutrient of focus in the classroom. Meanwhile, many kids of the pandemic era, thanks to online learning, can barely print legibly, let alone be comfortable putting sentences together. The good news is that we, as parents, can absolutely help fill in the gap…

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Return of the Family Meeting

So much of our life as a family is, while something I treasure, feels far more than the inside of one of those lotto numbered ping pong ball machines than I would like. Exciting, but also pure chaos. At some point, the notion of having an opportunity to come together to check in, discuss the good and bad, and potentially course correct, seemed like a great antidote to what is otherwise mayhem.

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MiscellanyLeif UelandComment

I am not sharing just for the pleasure of the backdoor bragging. In fact, thrilled as I am by the early validation for my crackpot theories, (or, to use business vernacular, the achievement of product-market fit), I feel a bit sick about it all. I am sick about it because what is being revealed beyond what I even suspected is that my bright young kids have likely been starving for a greater level of mental stimulation and challenge for a very long time.

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MiscellanyLeif UelandComment
New Yorker U

If we are going to build quality neural pathways in the minds of our children that help them process nonfiction text, as well as ideally informing their own writing in the future, adding them to the prized readership of the New Yorker seems like a savvy strategy.

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Be the Bridge

What do you do? Well, you realize that the span is just about your height, so you hook your feet between the slats closest to you, then lay yourself out in a way that you grab on to the other side, now spanning the gap, and you tell the kids to go ahead and run across your back and get to safety. “Use me as a bridge,” you cry out. That is the type of parent you are. It is the type of parent I am. We are amazing!

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Plant Your Garden

Now, stay with me, because this mildly comic opening is going to transition to a big life lesson. And as with all life lessons, it has the thrilling potential to change the trajectory of all who encounter it. Though, of course, no promises.

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Bilingual Kid Envy

As luck would have it, those of us parents who do secretly seethe a bit over the fact that we have so grossly handicapped our children by failing to make them bilingual, we live in a golden era of technology-enabled language learning that is a pleasure to tap into and may in the end level the playing field a bit for our deprived tykes.

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High-wire Parenting

I love being a parent, but sometimes I think it doesn’t pay as well as it should. Especially with all of this inflation, wages going up, Walmart greeters making $20 an hour, and we are still stuck at zero point zero. All things being equal, I wouldn’t be making a big deal out of this, but, as you and I both know, it is precarious work.

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Leif UelandComment
Math Scales

She compares this practice to a music student working the scales. And like practicing music, this isn’t something that is necessarily going to be fun; but it is important. At some point, many schools seemed to lose their stomach for going old school and making sure kids were getting in the reps, and then pandemic came, which made all learning challenging, further imperiling our children’s progress toward math fluency.

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Origin Post

Old dad is not sitting still. Old dad is upending the fully laden table in the restaurant, plates and glasses crashing everywhere. A pot roast flying across the room. Old dad is trashing the hotel room. My kids, like yours, are too awesome. Too flipping kick ass. And I have invested too much of freaking time in them.

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